Sunday, March 22, 2015

some abstract thumbnails

...that is to say, they started off as abstract shapes; they eventually resolved themselves into these.  In real life, these are only maybe an inch or two tall, sometimes less.

Something I've been struggling with is taking such thumbnails (takes little time, little commitment, surprising results - oh so fun to do!) and expanding them a larger size and making them 'finished' art.  A big part of it is that I need to get more comfortable with using much more paint and bigger brushes, which means kind of getting over the fear of 'wasting' such beautiful large (and not cheap) papers.  Not to mention, unlike oils, watercolor and gouache are a bit less flexible than say oils and require a more planning (though I am discovering they are actually more forgiving than one might think, using reductive methods, etc.) But also, part of me feels like the thumbnails say all I need them to say, or that I can not convince myself that the image is worth' the extra size.'s a constant struggle. 

Onward and downwards!

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