Friday, March 27, 2015

Bela Lugosi is Dead

Fantastic song, and a great cover of it by this band (excellent live clip here).  This version of the song was the jumping off point for these paintings.

A few years back I got to participate in a group show curated by a friend of mine.  The theme kind of revolved around hot rods and pin up gals and that sort of thing, and as I thought Nouvelle Vague's take on it was evocative, I kind of ran with it.   After dithering forever, I came up with this:

..I actually was fairly pleased with how it turned out, but ultimately I decided it felt too literal for the genre, so I redid it.  Here is a final rough:

I've always liked the graphic poster look, and gouache of course lends itself very well to it.  I was in such a rush to redo it that I never did photograph the final.  Happily though, it ended up selling.

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