Saturday, June 30, 2007

in front of city hall

a quick one i did last week while i waited for my wife to take a chinese test. sunny but really windy that day.

some older stuff

some paintings from workshop. i don't do enough painting at workshop - usually it comes down to me being too lazy to pack up all my gear. this is bad, as my results are hit and miss. these however, are ones that i like. the poses were anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes. i tend to do better with the shorter poses. 20 minutes gives me too much time to make bad decisions!

the digital one is of me dad. i think it might have even been my first life drawing from my laptop.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

more from drink and draw SF

couple from last week and those from last night. some bizarre ones this time around fer sure!

Monday, June 25, 2007

the least worst of

a drawing workshop i went to this weekend. it was really neat - it was in an amazing victorian mansion in the middle of town, complete with apparently period furniture; the models were great (great costumes and generally pretty darn good looking!) there was food, wine, period music as well.

unfortunately, i was somehow just not on my game that night drawing-wise. first, i haven't done any clothed figure in a long time; secondly, there was just too much cool stuff to look at. finally, it also didn't help that the poses were not strictly timed. they were generally 20-25 minutes, but basically models would just kind of come and go whenever and if you had just moved from one location to the next you wouldn't necessarily know how much time was left. excuses, excuses...

anyhow, i went in afterwards to try and make things a little prettier, but i'm not sure if i succeeded.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Not a very nice one to be sure.


Another from Drink and Draw...althoug i like the face and the idea, this turned out way more lame than i had envisioned. In fact i don't even know why i'm posting it. I'm sure it was because the beer clouded my judgement..

First Post

SO I decided to start this so i can post some of my artwork for friends and others to see and comment on. Er...that's about it - no other deep messages or wisdom to impart! Here's a few things i've done over the last few weeks at our local Drink and Draw with Mr. Schenck, Mr. Edenfield, Mr. Joyner, and my better half, Mrs. Yew. This first one is actually me revisiting an unsuccessful painting i did a while back. I may go back and try again at some point