Friday, October 9, 2009

germany and prague

some sketches from our recent trip to germany and the czech republic. as is always the problem for me when travelling to germany where my inlaws and sister live, the purpose of travel is to spend time with them, and though there is so much cool stuff to see and sketch, i rarely get the chance. it's only quick little scribbles that i manage to pull off when we're sitting in a cafe or something like that. i always say one day i will travel somewhere specifically to sketch, but i just don't know if that will ever come to pass. one can either experience things or sit there and record them in the sketchbook - i find it hard to do both or to find a good balance between the two. at any rate, i've been revisiting some of the scribbles that i hope to turn into at least color studies (partly from photos) more of which i will hopefully post in the future.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

more studies

these are in arcrylic which i've been trying to get a better feel for. i think these were about 30 minutes each.

watercolors again

although it has many obvious problems, i kind liked this for some reason. from a photo we took in tainan earlier this year. as with those in the previous post, this was around 30 minutes.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


is a harsh mistress.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

back to workshop

it's been a while, but i've had some more time so i'm back to hitting workshops as much as i can. this is the first in i don't remember how many months! all things considered, it went pretty well. tried using limited palette watercolors this time. i mean i guess technically these are still gouache, though they are much less opaque than the gouache i usually use.